We are feeding bodies, nurturing souls, and saving lives
We are feeding bodies, nurturing souls, and saving lives
What We Do
The Meals on Wheels Spokane program has been delivering hot, nutritious meals to elderly, homebound seniors in Spokane since 1967. We are the only Meals on Wheels program in Washington state to also have a senior center attached to our facility (Mid-City Concerns).
With the help of more than 500 volunteers, we serve over 600 meals daily and almost 215,000 meals each year. The objective of Meals on Wheels Spokane is to provide the proper nutrition to those individuals who cannot meet the need on their own. This service allows individuals to remain in their own homes and reduce premature out of home placement. It also allows a patient to leave a hospital, nursing care or rehab earlier, thereby encouraging the convalescing process in the familiar surroundings of the persons own home. This service is available to people of all income levels, either on a temporary or permanent basis without regard to race, color, religion, gender, national origin, handicap or political affiliation.

Our Mission
To sustain the independence of those we serve by providing services and activities regarding nutrition, advocacy, education and recreation through the Meals on Wheels Spokane program and the Mid-City Concerns Senior Center.